Isolation Table

Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment
Vaccinia Vaccination site care (including autoinoculated areas)

Only vaccinated HCPs may have contact with active vaccination sites and care for persons with adverse vaccinia events; if unvaccinated, only HCPs without contraindications to vaccine may provide care.

Vaccination recommended for vaccinators; for newly vaccinated HCWs: semi-permeable dressing over gauze until scab separates, with dressing change as fluid accumulates, ~3-5 days; gloves, hand hygiene for dressing change; vaccinated HCW or HCW without contraindication to vaccine for dressing changes.

Vaccinia (Adverse events following vaccination)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment
Secondary bacterial infection (e.g., S. aureus, group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus)

Follow organism-specific (strep, staph most frequent) recommendations and consider magnitude of drainage.

Eczema vaccinatum

Until lesions dry and crusted, scabs separated

For Contact + Standard with virus-containing lesions and exudative material.

Fetal vaccinia

Until lesions dry and crusted, scabs separated

For Contact + Standard with virus-containing lesions and exudative material.

Generalized vaccinia

Until lesions dry and crusted, scabs separated

For Contact + Standard with virus-containing lesions and exudative material.

Progressive vaccinia

Until lesions dry and crusted, scabs separated

For Contact + Standard with virus-containing lesions and exudative material.

Postvaccinia encephalitis

Until lesions dry and crusted, scabs separated

Blepharitis or conjunctivitis

Use Contact + Standard Precautions if there is copious drainage.

Iritis or keratitis
Vaccinia-associated erythema multiforme (Stevens Johnson Syndrome)

Not an infectious condition

Vancomycin AND Linezolid Resistant Enterococcus (LR-VRE)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment

Duration of hospitalization and all subsequent admissions

Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA/VRSA)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment

Duration of hospitalization and all subsequent admissions

Varicella (chickenpox)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment

Until ALL lesions are crusted over

Susceptible heatlhcare personnel (HCP) should not enter room if immune HCP are available, regardless of presumptive evidence of immunity. HCP should use respiratory protection that is at least as protectibve as a fit-tested N-95 respirator upon entry into the care area.

Varicella zoster (Herpes zoster, shingles)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment
Localized in immunocompetent patient

Persons susceptible to varicella are also at risk for developing varicella when exposed to patients with varicella zoster (shingles) lesions; therefore, susceptibles should not enter the room

Localized in immunocompromised patient

Airborne and Contact + Standard precautions may be discontinued if patient has been on antiviral therapy for 72 hours and shows no clinical signs of disseminated Herpes zoster and no pulmonary involvement. 

Persons susceptible to varicella are also at risk for developing varicella when exposed to patients with varicella zoster (shingles) lesions; therefore, susceptibles should not enter the room

Disseminated in any patient

Airborne and Contact + Standard precautions until ALL lesions are crusted over

Persons susceptible to varicella are also at risk for developing varicella when exposed to patients with varicella zoster (shingles) lesions; therefore, susceptibles should not enter the room

See: CDC definition of disseminated zoster and Dermatome Map 


Vescicular rash
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment

Until all lesions are crusted over or when chickenpox/varicella zoster (shingles) infection have been ruled out

Persons susceptible to varicella are also at risk for developing varicella when exposed to patients with varicella zoster (shingles) lesions; therefore, susceptibles should not enter the room.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus (see gastroenteritis)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment
Vincent’s angina (trench mouth)
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment
Viral Fevers, arthropodborne
Condition Isolation Duration of Isolation Comment

Examples: dengue, yellow fever, Colorado tick fever