CDI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

See the following sections with CDI frequently asked questions:

Diarrhea Decision Tree (DDT) – General 

Should the DDT be used for diarrhea management in general or only when CDI is suspected?

The DDT has recently been revised to focus on patients with suspected or confirmed CDI. However, testing and initiation of contact isolation for other causes of infectious diarrhea should be performed if appropriate. Please refer to the HEIC isolation table for appropriate precautions for other causes of infectious diarrhea. Click here for the DDT

I’ve seen the Bristol Stool Chart on my unit, but I don’t know how to apply it to my patient.

 Loose and/or watery stools that meet the diarrhea definition resemble Type 6 and Type 7 on the Bristol Stool Chart.


Contact Isolation 

Where do I get the correct signage?

Instructions on how to get Isolation Signs:


General Patient Consideration

Special Patient Populations 

Specimen Collection/Laboratory